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DIY: Digital Safety has created a variety of resources, including infographics, fact sheets, and reports, to educate young people about online harms and help keep them safe. On this page, you can access and download these free resources.


Sharing Nudes

Is it illegal for young people to share nudes? An infographic to help educators and caregivers fight against the misinformation about the legality of "sexting" in Canada.

Recommendations for educational curricula, policies and legislation to address technology-facilitated sexual violence in Canada

Educators, school administrators, policymakers, and government officials can use our findings and recommendations to improve educational curricula and policies in their province/ territory. Secondary school authorities, such as local school boards, school districts, and school divisions, for both public and private schools, can apply this information to enhance their educational documents and practices.

Current trends in educational curricula, policies and legislation to address technology-facilitated sexual violence in Canada

Our findings highlight the extent to which TFSV has been addressed in Canadian educational documents, policies and legislation.

Nudes and the Law: Know your Rights (available in 13 languages)

Is it illegal for young people to share nudes? An infographic to combat misinformation and fear among young people.

TFGBV: What you need to know

Learn about technology-facilitated gender-based violence, its impacts on youth and resources to address it.

Fact Sheets

Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Images

Fact sheet with information about image-based abuse and resources for people whose intimate images were shared or threatened to be shared.


Fact sheet with information about cyberbullying and resources to help people who have experienced technology-facilitated violence or bullying.


Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence Among Young People: Synthesizing the Research to Promote Digital Safety in Canada

This is the final report for our SSHRC gender-based violence synthesis grant. We hope this report will help inform the Canadian conversation on technology-facilitated gender-based violence by revealing what future research contributions will be of most significance and by informing those creating the policies and frontline supports that will impact the next generation.

La violence basée sur le genre facilitée par la technologie chez les jeunes : synthèse de recherche pour la sécurité numérique au Canada

La VFGFT est de plus en plus fréquente chez les jeunes au Canada, et il devient donc nécessaire de mieux comprendre la nature de cet enjeu, sa fréquence, son incidence et la réponse qui y est consacrée. C’est pourquoi le présent rapport se veut une synthèse des recherches universitaires visant à faire le point sur ce qu’on sait et ce qu’on ignore encore sur cet enjeu.

Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence in Canadian Educational Curricula, Policies, and Legislation

Technology-facilitated sexual violence (TFSV) is on the rise among Canada’s youth. It is important to understand how secondary schools educate students about TFSV and the steps they take to address TFSV. We conducted an analysis of educational curricula, policies, legislation, and related documents from Canada’s thirteen provinces and territories to understand how secondary schools respond to TFSV. We found that TFSV is inconsistently addressed, and as such, there is a need for more robust curricula, policies, and legislation. Click the following link to access the full report, which includes our findings and recommendations for educators, school administrators, policymakers, and government officials.

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